• The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021. ARP/ESSER III funds intend to speed up the United States' recovery from the ongoing economic recession and COVID-19 pandemic health effects. These funds allow for continued implementation of strategies to reopen and keep open schools safely and to address the impacts of teaching and learning disruptions. The ARP Act requires districts to spend a minimum of 20% of total ARP/ESSER III funds on learning loss.

    Total Allocation - $10,567,714

    Grant Award Period – March 24, 2021 – September 30, 2023

    Use of Funds Category

    Use of Funds Description

    Distance Learning/Instruction Virtual school staffing, software, courses and electronic resources $1,040,669
    Supplemental Learning Summer school staffing, ESOL support, mentor program, credit recovery, tutoring courses, and graduation coaching $2,687,215
    Continuity of Core Staffing and Services Maintain staffing for 50 teaching positions in General Fund budget $4,500,000
    Mental and Physical Health Nursing services staffing, counselor position, school psychologist, vaccination incentive, and emotional behavioral support (consultant, behavior support teacher and paraprofessional) $2,297,840
    School Meals Salaries to maintain and retain current staffing levels, evaluating equipment for better service $41,990

    Equitable services for non-public school students were not a requirement under the ARP Act.

    Additional information can be found