K - 5 Report Card Information

  • We value parents' involvement in their child’s education and want to keep you informed of your child’s learning and progress. A yearlong, kindergarten learning progression and Quarterly Content Summary for grades 1st - 5th outline the standards your child is learning in English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. In addition, a report card will be provided at the end of each nine-week period. The information below explains the report card system for all students. 

    Kindergarten students will receive a report based on the Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) and a report including attendance, specials/exploratories grades (Art, Music, Physical Education, Computer Science), and teacher comments. Through parent-teacher conferences, your child’s teacher will explain the GKIDS report in greater detail. 

    1st to 3rd Grades
    For students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, the report card will show your child’s learning based on the performance levels of 1 - 4. The performance levels range from Level 1, beginning to understand, to Level 4, exceeding the understanding, for the standards taught during each nine-week period. A Level 3 reflects grade level proficiency, and a Level 4 is possible on some standards. Performance levels may change each nine weeks when new and more complex learning is taking place. Teachers will use Infinite Campus to record your child’s performance levels on the standards.

    4th and 5th Grades
    For students in 4th and 5th grade, the report card will have numerical grades that correlate to a letter grade for English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Teachers will use Infinite Campus to record your child’s numerical grades. 

    Viewing Scores and Grades
    For students in 1st - 5th grades, parents can view student scores and grades in Infinite Campus. Using Infinite Campus to record scores and grades is new for teachers this year, so we appreciate your patience and understanding as teachers gain more experience in using this platform. Read the parent/guardian directions for viewing Infinite Campus scores and grades.

Sample Report Cards

K - 5 Academic Content



Degrees and Certifications:

Learn more about K-5 Academics

Please see K - 5 Academic Content for specific information regarding grade level standards, knowledge, and skills for each nine-week grading period.