How to Submit Change of Address Documents and Lease Update Documents

  • Please Note: You and your student(s) must both reside at the same address before a change of address can be completed.

    How To Submit Change of Address and Lease Update Documents

    Please log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to submit an address change and upload the required documentation listed below. Directions on how to access the Parent Portal.

    Before you start, please take a moment to check the list of documents you need to provide. Make sure these documents are ready to be uploaded from your computer. You can use your iPhone or Google to scan them if needed. If you are unable to upload the required documents, please read the section below for a list of what's needed and other ways to send them in. (Resource: Scan with iPhoneScan with Google)

    If you are unable to upload the required documents, please bring them to the enrollment center.


    Homeowner Document Requirements - 3 Items

    • Current residential property tax statement
      If the property has closed within the last year, please provide the signed closing Settlement Statement (received from your attorney during closing), OR Disclosure Statement OR Homestead Exemption filing.

    If you are living with a Fayette County Resident who is the homeowner, both parties (Property Owner & Parent/Guardian) must be present to sign an affidavit and will be required to provide the current property tax statement, electricity bill, and photo ID.

    • Photo ID of parent/guardian of the student(s) 

    • Current Electric Bill or the initiation of electric service with name and service location. We DO NOT ACCEPT ANY OTHER BILLS.  

    *** We do not accept the Warranty Deed or Mortgage Statement ***

    Renter Document Requirements - 3 Items

    • Current Signed Lease/Rental Agreement (must include term dates and all occupants with signatures).  Month-to-month leases are not accepted.

    • Current Electric Bill or the initiation of electric service with name and service location. We DO NOT ACCEPT ANY OTHER BILLS.

    • Photo ID of parent/guardian of the student.

    If you are living with someone but the lease is not in your name, your name (the name of the parent or guardian) and the names of the students must be listed as occupants on that lease/rental agreement. A letter from the landlord/mobile home park stating that they are aware that you and your students are living there will suffice.

    School Zone Change - Special Permission Request and Transportation

    If your students' school zone changes due to an address change and you would like them to remain at their current school, you may request special permission from the Student Transfer Department. Please be aware that transportation is not provided for special permission cases. This step needs to be completed within 24 hours of the address change to ensure that your student will not be withdrawn and placed at the zoned school.


    If you are changing schools, please withdraw from the old school so a new enrollment line can be input for the new school. It takes 24 hours after we process an address change for the Transportation Department to see it in their system, so you may have to provide transportation until this occurs.

Location & Hours

Closed Dates

  • Closed for Records Retention:

    (2nd & 4th Friday of each month during the school year)


    • Independence Day: July 4
    • Labor Day: September 2
    • Thanksgiving Break: November 25-29
    • Semester Break: Dec 23 - Jan 1
    • Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Jan 20
    • Winter Break: February 17-21
    • Spring Break: April 7-11
    • Memorial Day: May 26
    • Juneteenth: June 19