Clubs & Extracurricular Activities





    Academic Team Competition Trivia Team. We will compete virtually this year but we will have a season. If you enjoy showing off your useful and useless knowledge, please join this fun, relaxed team.

    Mr. S. Porter

    Amigos Mentor Program

    The mission of our FCHS Amigos Mentoring Program is to create cultural bonds with non-native English speakers, at the elementary school level, to increase the ESOL students' confidence in applying their English Language Arts and social communications skills. Amigos also helps its mentors meet their personal and educational goals by offering community services hours for students involved in other clubs, organizations, or societies that require serving as part of their commitment. Ms. E. Fritz

    Anime Club

    To bring students together who have a mutual admiration for Anime. Students will interact by watching, drawing, and even debating whether or not popular shows such as DragonBall and Naruto should be dubbed in English or the original Japanese language. Other activities may include storyboard design and manga stories.

    Mr. J. Williams

    Art Club

    Create works of art  Mr. J Angelo

    Astronomy Club

    To develop inquiry skills while learning about the universe and our place in it.  Mrs. E. Rettig

    Black Student Union

    To help students strive for excellence through the promotion of awareness, appreciation, and presentation of positive images of African Americans. To inform people of all demographics of the diaspora and its effects on the Black community past and present. To also help students become the best versions of themselves to better support their school and their community. Dr. B. Harmon

    Computer Club

    Let students learn more about the digital world and demonstrate that everyone can write code. Mr. D. Kramlich

    Cultural Awareness Club

    The club’s goal is to help create a more inclusive and understanding student body, by educating our peers on social issues, biases, and discrimination in society.

    Mr. C. McCord

    Dr. B. Harmon

    Debate Team To connect, support, and inspire a diverse community committed to empowering students through speech and debate. Dr. B. Harmon

    Drama Club

    The Drama club was formed to bring together a diverse group of students to enrich the community through the celebration of, and engagement in, the dramatic and literary arts. TBD

    Fashion and Runway Club

    The Fashion Runway Club was formed to educate and learn about the many aspects of fashion. We will discuss runway fashion and fashion shows, as well as fabric and fashion in TV shows. Meetings will be every other Thursday from 3:45-5:00 PM and will have specific times set outside of school for student designers to meet.

    Ms. I. Kelly 

    Fayette Fiber Folks

    Together we are learning and exploring different types of textile arts including knitting, crocheting, and many others. Come learn how to make awesome things. Ms. K. Harris

    Fayette Minds Matter

    Fayette Minds Matter, local chapter of the national organization Our Minds Matter, was formed to bring awareness to how important mental health is. Promoting self-care, healthy habits, social connectedness, prosocial skills, and help-seeking behavior. Each meeting will be held on the last Monday of every month in the Counseling Office Career Center from 3:45 - 4:45. All students are welcomed into this safe space!

    Ms. J. Travis

    Ms. R. Booth

    Fayette Pride Alliance

    A place for students who are either part of the LGBT community or have friends and family in the community to have a place to come together in friendship and support.  

    Mrs. E. Rettig

    Mrs. L. Tideback

    Fayette Tiger Band

    Marching Band 

    Mr. O. Best

    Mr. B. Waugh

    FBLA - Future Business Leaders of America

    To prepare students to pursue careers in business and make contributions to their communities.

    Ms. L. Allen

    Mr. M. Hoyle

    FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    To present to coaches and athletes, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationship and in the fellowship of the Church.

    Mr. D. Presley

    Mrs. S. McCaskill

    FCCLA - Family ,Career, Community Leaders of America

    Mission: To promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer sciences education.
    Purpose: To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life. To promote family and consumer sciences, family and consumer sciences careers and related occupations.

    Ms. W. Moore

    Film Analysis

    To amplify students' appreciation for films. To create a space for discussion of various film elements after viewing. Students will explore the different pieces of film, such as shot by shot analysis, sound and music, and film casting. Dues are $10.
    Social Media: IG-fchsfilmanalysisclub,PW-fchsfac2, Remind-@fchs-fac.

    Ms. K. Rabun

    French Club

    To pursue activities that pertain to the culture of our language. Ms. H. Moncrief

    Golf and STEM Club

    To enjoy the fun with a little competition. Mr. T. Miller
    Green Club To promote ways in which the school and home can be earth friendly. Provide classroom paper and plastic recycling. Ms. A. Calderon
    GSA To provide a safe place for LGBTQ students and allies to discuss topics, provide support. Also, to promote inclusiveness and reduce discrimination based on race, gender / gender identity, sexual orientation or religious affiliation.

    Ms. S. Koerting

    Ms. E. Rettig

    Ms. L. Tideback

    HiTeen Mentors We collaborate with Springhill Elementary to provide high school mentors for 3rd - 5th grade students.   Mrs. W. Ricker
    HOSA - Future Health Professionals The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care. We do this by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill, and leadership development of health science students. This helps both HOSA members and advisors to meet the needs of the health care community. Mrs. D. Watson
    Interact Club To mentor future leaders within the community (associated with Rotary Club). Ms. P. Resnak
    International Thespians Society To promote excellence in educational theatre. This society networks with state, national, and international troupes on performances, resources, educational practices, and community outreach projects (associated with the Educational Theatre Association). Mr. J. Debusk
    Math Club Math Team is a competitive team that travels to exotic locations (other high schools and some college campuses) to take math tests. Math Team practices one day per week starting in mid-September of each year.   Mr. Olivarez
    Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society: We are dedicated to inspiring a keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school.

    Ms. Weinhardt

    Multicultural Club  To spread people’s cultures with an open space to do so by letting them spread their culture through their music, food, and foundations of the culture they represent. The Multicultural club will showcase students' diversity at Fayette, and be able to spread awareness of cultural days/months throughout the school year.   

    Mr. Bonilla

    NHS - National Honor Society The National Honor Society is accepting Candidate Forms for the 2021-2022 academic year. The initial requirement for students in grades 10th- 12th is to have a 93 or higher grade point average. In addition to the GPA requirement, students must write an essay to highlight their accomplishments in the remaining three pillars: character, leadership, and service.

    Ms. M. West

    PALS Club - Peers Assisting Learning Support PALS fosters relationships between students with and without disabilities and allows all students to experience the benefits of friendship and teamwork.

    Ms. S. Gauvin

    Ms. C. Harper

    Ms. D. Johnson 

    Mr. R. Peterson

    Mr. J. Trask

    Mr. B. Whitaker

    Ms. K. Whitaker

    Ping Pong To have fun! Mrs. D. Blankenship
    Political Analysis Club The club allows students to discuss and analyze politics of today with an emphasis on educating one another with guidance from their sponsor on government and elections ( locally, state, and nationally). We are the future. Many of us cannot vote, but most of us can and want to make a difference. If we allow ourselves to gain a holistic view of political matters, we can allow ourselves to make educated decisions and shape the world of tomorrow. Mr. M. Foley
    Rotary Club Our mission is to provide service to our community and people in need. The Rotary Club is an international organization that promotes integrity, goodwill, and awareness to its members. In FCHS it is student-led providing its members with opportunities to service our community, build character and develop leadership skills. Ms. E. Fritz
    Science National Honor Society  To celebrate high achieving students in science. 

    Ms. D. Blankenship

    Science Olympiad Team The Science Olympiad Team competes against other high schools in the region. By combining events from disciplines like genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering and technology, Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. Emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation. 



    SNHS - Science National Honor Society SNHS will be the prominent scientific organization that will engender a new group of young thinkers who will be the future of industry, research, and scientific exploration for America.

    Ms. D. Blankenship

    SkillsUSA SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. We improve the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of SkillsUSA Framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics.

    Mr. J. Trask

    Ms. D. Johnson

    Spanish Club The FCHS Spanish Club strives to offer our Tigers a Spanish cultural exposure through music, movies, cultural holiday events, culture game nights and the culinary arts. The intent of the Spanish Club is that the experience be both educational and fun for its members who will look beyond their homes and school to broaden their understanding of a different and diverse culture and apply that knowledge to help and touch others lives. Ms. E. Fritz
    Spanish National Honor Society To recognize high achievement in Spanish, and to promote continuity of interest in Hispanic studies Dr. Nana
    Student Ambassadors Student Ambassadors are a small group of students dedicated to the positive promotion of Fayette County High School. These select students will be role models and represent the PBIS ROAR expectations on a daily basis by being responsible, on time, attentive, and resilient. Student Ambassadors are visible at campus events that are geared towards prospective students and families. Student ambassadors have the unique opportunity to develop and receive training in communication, public relations, marketing, and interpersonal skills. FCHS Ambassadors will take leadership roles that promote the unity of all students throughout the building, help lead Tiger Talks, and participate in various school-wide activities. 

    Ms. J. Rowells

    Ms. W. Ricker

    Student Government To be a representative body for the students of FCHS in Homecoming, Black History Month, and Red Ribbon Week. Mrs. C. Manning
    Tiger Ambassadors Tiger Ambassadors are the friendly faces of our school! These dedicated students serve as exceptional representatives, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Their responsibilities include: Guiding new students, showcasing our school as host or hostess to visitors, enhancing school spirit, and supporting school initiatives. By embodying our school's values and serving as role models, Tiger Ambassadors play a vital role in creating a positive and inclusive school environment. 

    Mrs. J. Rowells

    Mrs. W. Ricker

    Tiger Book Club The Tiger Book Club's goal is to provide a gathering place for avid readers in the school. We will meet monthly to read and discuss the current Georgia Peach Award nominees and participate in voting for the statewide award winner. Ms. R. Jacobs
    Tigers and Tabletop (TnT) A club/activity based around board gaming and role playing games like Catan, Ticket to Ride, Dungeons and Dragobs and other games. Students join and attend sessions to play and engage with other students. Students can also participate in character creation, miniature painting, and game tutorials. 

    Mr. Cannon

    Mr. McCord

    Mr. J. Olivarez

    Unleashed Pens The Unleashed Pens is a creative writing and poetry group at FCHS. This weekly workshop consists of reading, analyzing, and supporting the growth of fellow student writers.

    Ms. A. Olivarez

    Ms. L. Johnson