Attendance Policy

  • Policy:
    All students can be excused with a doctor note or parent note. Students are allotted five parent notes per semester, and all documentation has to be submitted within three days of returning to
    Parents will be notified of student absences and morning tardies with an automated phone call/email at 10:00 am.
    Check-out ends at 3:15 pm, Monday-Friday.

    Requirements for Notes:
    -Student Name
    -Parent signature (handwritten notes)

    What Counts Against Exam Exemptions:
    -Unexcused Tardies
    -Unexcused Checkouts
    -Unexcused Absences

    Sandy Creek Attendance Office:
    770.969.2840 EXT.2849

    For questions about the attendance policy, email          For questions about the attendance policy, email