• The SMHS School Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 a.m.

    2024-2025 SMHS School Council Membership

    Kim Owens, Business
    Justin Spencer, Treasurer, Teacher
    Lorena Alarcon, Parent
    Linda Barnett, Parent
    Delani Gatson, Student
    Ethan Hay, Student
    Sean Hickey, Teacher
    Wain Kellum, Business
    Staci Killingsworth, Teacher
    Princeton Pulliam, Student
    Michaela Spencer, Student
    Lori Sims, Parent
    Jamie Voorhies, Principal

    The A+ Education Reform Act of 2000 established school councils in Georgia to "bring communities and schools closer together in a spirit of cooperation to: solve difficult education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the school-based decision-making process." School councils provide advice, recommendations, and assistance to principals and local boards of education. The law details the composition of the council, its responsibilities, and procedures for conducting business. The 2004 General Assembly in HB 1190 provided flexibility in membership, chairmanship, meetings, elections and trainings for school councils. The changes also provided clarity that school councils are to focus on student achievement and school improvement. The 2007 General Assembly changed the composition of school councils, requiring that a majority of members be parents (or guardians) and that at least 2 parents be businesspersons. (from the Georgia School Council Institute)