- Whitewater High School
- Internet Safety Resources for Students
Internet Safety Resources for Students
The Internet can be a useful tool both educationally and socially for kids, but it can also be a dangerous place. While online computer exploration opens a world of possibilities for children, expanding their horizons and exposing them to different cultures and ways of life, they can be exposed to dangers as they hit the road exploring the information highway. It’s very important to teach the proper skills to kids with regard to the Internet. Federal legislation signed into law requires schools receiving E-Rate discounts on telecommunication services and Internet access to provide online safety education for their students.
Today’s students have knowledge of the Internet that often surpasses that of their parents. Because so many kids are Internet savvy, it is imperative that they also have an understanding of the dangers that exist online and how to deal with them.
Internet safety policies will focus on online behaviors including cyberbullying, responses to potential Internet predators, and interactions on social networking websites. This site offers resources and lessons on Internet safety to provide online safety education for Fayette County students.
The Fayette County Board of Education cares about your child's safety. This information is provided as a resource for students who want to learn more about the Internet and how to stay safe while online: