Easy Ways to Support Peeples Kroger Plus Card Create an account and register your Kroger Plus Car

    • Kroger Plus Card
      Create an account and register your Kroger Plus Card and choose NPO number 80845, Peeples Elementary School. As you use your card, Kroger will send the school cash!

    • Publix Partners School Card
      Our school earns money each time you shop using your Publix Card!

    • www.shopwithscrip.com
      Purchase gift cards through our PTO Scrip program, and we will receive a small percentage from each vendor.

    • www.smile.amazon.com
      Register your current Amazon account to Peeples Elementary, and we will receive 0.5% on every eligible purchase made this way!

    • www.target.com
      Register your RED card and choose Peeples. Target will donate 1% of your purchases to Peeples.

    • Ink Cartridge Recycling
      Bring in used cartridges to recycle and earn money!

    • Box Tops for Education
      Send in Box Tops, and we will earn 10 cents for each Box Top.
    • Soda Pop Tabs
      Collect tabs from your soda cans to turn in to the front office. Proceeds raised support the Ronald McDonald House.