SHMES School Council

  • The A+ Education Reform Act of 2000 established school councils in Georgia to “bring communities and schools closer together in a spirit of cooperation to achieve the following:

    • solve difficult education problems
    • improve academic achievement
    • provide support for teachers and administrators
    • bring parents into the school-based decision-making process

    School councils provide advice, recommendations, and assistance to principals and local boards of education. The law details the composition of the council, its responsibilities, and procedures for conducting business.

    The 2004 General Assembly in HB 1190 provided flexibility in membership, chairmanship, meetings, elections, and training for school councils. The changes also provided clarity that school councils are to focus on student achievement and school improvement.

    The 2007 General Assembly changed the composition of school councils, requiring that a majority of members be parents (or guardians) and that at least two parents be businesspersons. At a minimum, a School Council is composed of seven members, including the following:

    • The Principal
    • Two certificated teachers elected by the teachers
    • Four parents (or guardians) are elected by the parents; two of the parents must be businesspersons.
    • The school council may, within its bylaws, increase the number of members, as long as the parents remain the majority.

SHMES School Council Members

  • 2024-2025 Representatives

    Parent/Business: Mr. Jeffrey Stone
    Parent/Business: Mr. Adam Macke
    Parent: Ms. Samantha Taylor
    Parent: Ms. Amanda Daluga
    Teacher: Ms. Vicki Bishop
    Teacher: Ms. Leslie Zarate
    Principal: Dr. Stacie Coppola


  • August 29, 2024
    November 7, 2024
    February 13, 2025
    April 17, 2027
    All meetings will begin at 7:00 am in the SHMES Media Center. Minutes from the meetings will be available in the front office within 20 days following the meeting. All parents are welcome to attend the monthly meetings.