Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

  • Types of Academic Dishonesty 

    Cheating. Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials in any academic exercise or having someone else do work for you. Examples of cheating include but are not limited to looking at another student’s answer document during an exam, obtaining a copy of an exam prior to the test date (using it to cheat on the exam or to study from), having notes or other resources (calculators, electronic devices, note cards) not allowed by the teacher, or submitting homework copied from another student. Additionally, purchasing papers (i.e. research papers, essays) from websites or other students on campus is academic dishonesty, the equivalent of cheating and/or plagiarizing. 

    Facilitating academic dishonesty. Helping another student to commit an act of academic dishonesty. This includes giving someone an assignment to copy from or allowing someone to cheat from your exam answer sheet.

    Plagiarism. Using the words or ideas of another writer without appropriate citation, so that it seem as if these thoughts/ideas/words are your own. Plagiarism ranges from copying someone else’s work word for word, to rewriting someone else’s work with only minor word changes, to summarizing work without acknowledging the source. 

    Per the FCBOE Code of Conduct, students found guilty of cheating will receive a zero on the academic assignment and possibly loss course credit. Additional disciplinary penalty may range from ISS to OSS.

    Resources to assist in avoiding plagiarism: